Go-kart race at the Agriculture Show, 1987.
Regatta, 1984.
Go-Kart race at the Agriculture Show, 1984.
CIBC Valentine’s race
Runners in full stride at the CIBC Valentine's Day race.
Bicycle race
Kids riding their bicycles in a Cayman Brac race.
In the race
The race is underway at the 1985 1 Mile Sea Swim.
On your marks
Runners on their marks at the 1985 CIHS sports day.
West Bay race
Runners on the road by West Bay Yacht Club.
CIHS sports day
Students excitedly watching a sports day race at CIHS, 1985.
CIHS race
Students taking part in a race at the CIHS sports day.
Dennis Brooks races on
Dennis Brooks during a cycling race on Cayman Brac.
Before the bike race
Boys preparing to race their bicycles on Cayman Brac in 1989.